BMC vasaras kāpšanas saiets Skotijā!

Pieteikšanās starptautiskajam BMC rīkotajam vasaras kāpšanas saietam Skotijā!
Šoreiz tiek rīkots sieviešu kāpšanas mītiņš, svinot sieviešu kāpšanas sākšanas jubileju. 12-19.jūnijs.

Sievietēm iesūtīt pieteikumus līdz 10.03.16. uz Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt., brīvā formā īsu aprakstu par sevi un motivāciju.

International Meets are truly unique. They are a great opportunity to experience British ‘trad’ climbing, and you get to meet a varied bunch of climbers of all ages from many countries from around the world. This meet is special, showcasing women’s climbing and giving participants the chance to experience the different dynamic of climbing with other women.

The meet is being organised by the Pinnacle Club, the UK’s national club for women climbers, supported by the British Mountaineering Council. The meet will be located at the Ynys Ettws Hut in the heart of the Llanberis Pass (North Wales). We will stay here as guests of the Climbers’ Club who own the property. During the week you will be teamed up with British host climbers who have an excellent knowledge of climbing in North Wales.


• We will team you up with a British based host climber each day and she will take you out climbing.
• Partnerships will be changed every few days so that you get to climb with different people.
• There will be an optional Trad Clinic (placing runners, building belays, belaying with two ropes) on the first morning.
• There will be several evening events throughout the week (evening programme to be confirmed nearer the time).
• Around 20 more women will join us for the final weekend and we’ll finish with a last night party.


To take part in this event climbers need to have experience of traditional climbing using leader placed protection. We want this meet to be made up of women from a whole range of climbing experiences and grades.


• Venue – Ynys Ettws Hut, Llanberis Pass, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 4UL, North Wales.
• Dates – Sunday 12 June to Sunday 19 June 2016
• Arrival evening is Sunday 12 June (no organised climbing on this day).
• Departure morning is Sunday 19 June (no organised climbing on this day).


• You are responsible for making your own travel arrangements to the UK.
• Travel details will be sent to you at the beginning of April when places are confirmed.
• The hut offers ‘alpine hut’ style accommodation with shared rooms and bathroom facilities.
• There is a large camping area outside of the hut, which may be used for accommodation in addition to the hut (dependent on numbers).


The fee is £180 per person and includes:
• Seven nights accommodation
• Three catered meals per day (from Sunday evening to lunch the following Sunday)
• Evening events and final night party
• Six days’ climbing with experienced host climbers
• Trad Clinic (optional)
• Transfers from Manchester International Airport
• Souvenir t-shirt and discounts at local climbing shops

Izveidots 22 Februāris 2016
Skatīts: 15854
2025 Latvijas Alpīnistu savienība  